About Us

restoring. reconciling. raising up

Jesus Christ is the same
yesterday, and today,
and Forever.

Hebrews 13:8


one another as we gather

We value meeting together throughout the week as a people with a common mission and vision to celebrate who Jesus is and what He has done. (John 10:10)

Sundays are a corporate time of worship, teaching & opportunity to experience and apply the various & individual gifts Christ has given His Church. (Romans 12:3-8; 1 Co 12:1, 4-14)

Gathering gives us an opportunity to exhort one another. (Heb 10:25) We desire to have a culture of discipleship in our church. We don’t simply want to be a social club. We truly desire to be a people transformed by the incredible grace of God. This means we engage in doing life together.

Everyone is invited to worship with us, but if you desire to become an official member you can find Membership Cards with a complete description of our beliefs in the foyer. You can also find out more about what we believe on our website.


our lives to His lordship

Being a Spirit-led congregation, we believe in extolling the Lord through the various tenets He gives in His word.

Praise & Worship:
Praising His name with instruments and song, along with worshiping Him with joyful obedience to His written Word. (1 Samuel 15:22; Heb 13:15; John 14:15)
We teach the complete Word of God, believing the redemptive story of salvation is found in both the Old & New Testaments. (2 Timothy 3:16)
We celebrate the fullness of life by thankfully giving back to God in our Tithes and offerings. We do not pass an offering plate, but rather allow each one to contribute to the ministry of the Lord with the withe box in the foyer. (Mal 3:6-12; 2 Co 1:1-12; 2 Co 9:7-11)

Raising Up

unto the fullness of maturity in Christ

A nursery is provided for infants & toddlers through age 2. Moms are welcome to sit while babies wiggle.

We encourage attending our Wednesday night Bible study as we delve ino the Word of God chapter by chapter.

The Rock’s missional statement is found in Ephesians 4:11-16 and 1 Co 12:20-27 . We believe in body ministry, fully complete in Him when we gather. Our core value is that God is Good, all the time . (James 1:13, 17) Jesus teaches us that in this world we’ll have many sorrows just as He did, but He also reminds us that He is the anchor that holds in the storm. (Hebrews 1:7 9; John 16:33)
